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The Corning Opera House is a 501 c 3 Charitable entity and your donation is tax deductible. Thank you for your generous support!

Individual Donor Levels

Donations of $5,000 typically cover one month's worth of bills. Thank you!


Thanks for your donation of $1,000 or more, equal to about one month of utilities.


A Director donation is about one month of advertising! We appreciate you!

Sponsor a Seat

Leave your mark by sponsoring a seat with your name or in honor of a loved one! Thanks!


An Actor donation is equal to about one month of office supplies! Thanks!

John Lenz Theater Fund

To honor John Lenz, a long time Corning English/drama teacher, who has generously donated $5,000 for community theater!

Go for the Gold
2 Donations
This fundraiser ended on 12-31-2024